series in progress: TEXT TO OBJECT 

Worktitle: On Jewellery 
Year: 2022

I smell like perfumes worn by people when they return from abroad*

I am just sitting at home making towers out of toilet paper
I swear if I will be here longer soon I will confuse these walls
With my own skin
I just sit in my beige tracksuit and my even more beige sofa and watch them
Two robust hairy bodies, jumping on each other
                  /and then relief in my old gray underclothes

I can’t offer you more than firm curly hair
Hands that smells like black saffron
Eating butter on moldy bread
I am afraid I’ll die of a stroke

Forever floating in hypnagogia
When you cut yourself they saw you up

As if you were clothes

I bought myself a cheap bijouterie ring
To replace people 
I can’t have at this moment

Jewelry is a stitch
Holding together everything that is torn
Languishing body
Surrounded by books and vitamins
Don’t have a contemporary virus but wither

Chunky chains (mixed metals) around my neck
Melding into the mass of bacteria

All Rights Reserved: Kristina Deska Nikolić, 2021

*here I quote Natalija Paunic.

All Rights Reserved. © 2022 Kristina DESKA Nikolić

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