Group Exhibition:
a spectacle like fashion does it, but working against just commodity, »TRANSCE
I« is going beyond a given structure as in trans and generating altered states
of consciousness and awareness as in trance. For the first collection, the
clothes are inspired by everyday life. The focus lies on questions of
dis-/identity and on combining new structures on a material- as well as on a
social level.

LISTEN TO ME have you ever felt life is a simulation? That we´re in a simulation of the world, and not the world itself? Does anything make sense to you anymore? This whole year has been a simulation - we have been locked in our rooms on our own, we have been staring at our screens, the world has been turned upside-down, our experience of reality is what´s broadcast to us, through kaleidoscopes of our choosing; and soon, come spring, we can break free.
The video »TRANSCE I« was showed at the group exhibition REALITY by ANGEWANDTE’s Transmedia Art Class at Fluc Vienna and was visible through the QR-Code on exhibited poster.
Film by Kristina Nikolic & Luca Büchler
With Nikola Joksimovic, Selma Lindgren, Hyeji Nam, Alexandra Nikolic, Baris Okcu, Camilla Schielin, Liam Solbjerg, Juan Vera
Director of Cinematography: Hannah Todt & Matija Joksimovic
Original Score: Elias Jocher
Hair & Make-Up: Jovan Glusica
Graphics: Silvan Possa